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Students German Legal Exchange Tour held in Berlin

Date:December 01, 2014     Click:     Source:

At the invitation of the German Federal Judicial/Consumer Protection Department (Bundesministerium der Justiz und fuer Verbraucherschutz/BMJV), 26 students enrolled in year 2012 and 2013 from the Sino-German Institute of Law, who are currently exchanging at University of Freiburg, University of Frankfurt, University of Munich, University of Hamburg and University of Kohl, attended a 5-day study tour from 24 to 28 Nov, 2014 in Berlin, Germany.

This year the annual study tour was themed Legislative Procedure and the European Union Law Transform to State Law. Ms. Petra Rechlin from the Cooperation Department of BMJV, Associate Dean (German side) of the Sino-German Institute of Law Dr. Marco Haase, Director of China Program of the German Academic Exchange Center (DAAD) Mr. Wissam Jomaa and Dr. Alexandra Nikolova from University of Freiburg led the tour.

The tour included visiting the German Federal Chancellery, the German Federal Judicial/ConsumerProtection Department (BMJV), the German Federal Parliament, the German Federal Senate, the German Federal Bar Association and the Berlin Cathedral.

In the BMJV, the students received warm welcome from Mr. Mathias Hellmann and Dr. Guenther. They later attended several seminars on BMJV's Responsibility in Legislative Procedure, the Significance of Fundamental Rights in Censorship Laws and the Relationship between the EU Law and German Law.

It was interesting to note that, during the visit in the German Federal Chancellery, not only did the students receive warm welcome from Officer of International Affairs Mr. Conrad Haessler, but also bumped into the German Chancellor Mrs. Angela Merkel and took a photograph together.

After the tour guided by Ms. Veronika Horrer, the students attended the symposium on Tasks and Roles of Bar Association in Legislative Procedure held by the German Federal Bar Association. They also had an informal talk with DAAD officers, sharing opinions on studying and living in Germany.

