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Student German Legal Exchange Tour held in Berlin

Date:December 11, 2017     Click:     Source:

At the invitation of the German Federal Judicial/Consumer Protection Department (Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz/BMJV), under the supervision of the Associate Dean (German side) of the Sino-German Institute of Law Dr. Clemens Richter , 16 year 2015 and 2016 entering postgraduate students from the Institute who are currently exchanging at German partner universities attended a series of symposiums themed Legislative Procedure of Germany and the European Union Law Transform to State Law in Berlin, Germany from 4 to 8 Dec, 2017.

Ms. Beatrix Lindner from the Cooperation Department of BMJV was the head of the events, and Ms. Petra Rechlin moderated the symposiums. Director of the Middle East & Asia-Africa-Latin America Affairs of the German Academic Exchange Center (DAAD) Ms. Justyna Polomski and Dr. Vincent Winkler from the University of Freiburg attended the whole tour with the students.

The tour included visiting the German Federal Judicial/Consumer Protection Department (BMJV), the German Federal Bundestag (Parliament), the German Federal Bundesrat (Senate), the Berlin Wall, the Berlin Cathedral, the German Federal Bar Association, and the German Federal Chancellery.
